Birthday Wishes for July

The following players are celebrating their birthday in the month of July. Hope your special day is filled with tasty food, thirst-quenching beverages and great friends!

  • Chris Brown
  • Scott MacPhail
  • Darren Robinson
  • Rob Waterman
  • Allan Buck
  • David Robinson
  • Graham Welsh
  • Colin Underhill
  • Scott Christie

2023/24 Season is at 75% capacity as of July 1

I hope  you are enjoying the beautiful weather. It does not feel much like hockey weather.
With a little less than 3 months from today, the 2023/24 season will be well underway. Registration is currently at 75% capacity so please don’t delay in getting your registration completed and sent in.
The application is on the website and It is not a fillable application, so you will have to print, fill and send it back to me to
See you soon,

Birthday Wishes for May and June

The following players are celebrating their birthday in the month of May and June. Hope your special day is filled with tasty food, thirst-quenching beverages and great friends!

  • John Daniels
  • Jeff Mills
  • Brad Reid
  • Rob Vanderveen
  • Ed Greenwood
  • Doug Leach
  • Adam Promoli
  • Jeremy Rilett
  • Patrick Urquart
  • Scott Hunter
  • Steve Spicer
  • Jordan Ungerman
  • Paul Fujiwara
  • Bryan Goruk
  • Steve Proceviat
scorehl stats

2023 Playoffs: Final Stats

2023 Playoffs:

A Champs scaled e1680494037239 B Champs 2

Final Standings

Continue reading “2023 Playoffs: Final Stats”

Birthday Wishes for April 2023

The following players are celebrating their birthday in the month of April. Hope your special day is filled with tasty food, thirst-quenching beverages and great friends!

  • Jay “Hollywood” Bishop
  • Rory MacTavish
  • Jason Woods
  • Allan Martin
  • Jason Dickinson
  • Ben Wells
  • Mike Ciambella
  • Gord Jamieson
  • Robert Young
  • Mark Koens

Birthday wishes for March 2023!

The following players are celebrating their birthday in the month of March. Hope your special day is filled with tasty food, thirst-quenching beverages and great friends!

  • Randy Collett
  • Evan Karmazyn
  • Don Menard
  • Randy Provencal
  • Anthony Soward
  • Harald Ois
  • Dave Anderson
  • Verne Hudson
  • Jason Clark
  • Shawn Gosse
  • Daniel Spray
  • Ed Greenwood
  • Anthony Ussher
  • Donovan White

Dave’s Electric baby comes Early

Early in March, Dave, the owner of Dave’s Electric and one of our valued sponsors, was vacationing in Zurich, Switzerland with his wife, who was about 24 weeks pregnant. Unfortunately, his wife went into labour while in Zurich and gave birth to a baby girl, weighing under 2 pounds. Baby and Mother are doing fine but there is a long road to recovery for the infant. Dave’s wife will remain in Zurich for about 14 weeks until the baby is cleared to travel home.

To help offset the large costs that are being incurred, For those that wish to donate, funds can be sent via e-transfer to or cash can be given to Mike Holmes or Mike Ciambella. All donations will be logged so that Dave can send his appreciation when he and his family return.

Donations will be accepted up until 11:59pm on April 10, 2023.

Dave has been a sponsor and a member of this league for several years, so thank-you to all players that wish to show their support for his family during this difficult time.

Dave and his wife have set-up a Go Fund Me account at

The Commish